Wednesday, October 27, 2010

To Kiss Or Not To Kiss

Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other.  ~Rene Yasenek

The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer.  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., The Professor at the Breakfast-Table

Aaaah. Kiss. Such a wonderous gift given to us by nature. It increases the feeling of intimacy between two people. A kiss can tell you if a person is not interested or is dying to just rip apart your clothes and have you. Since the last few days, I have been seeing alot about kisses. One of my facebook communities has done 2,3 articles on kisses, I saw people kissing so lovingly and tenderly on the telly and just now I got to know that Glee's next episode has the title "Never Been Kissed". So all this pushed me into writing a post about kissing.

I have been with quite a number of guys in my past. You wont be entirely wrong if you would call me a slut. But that is me in the past. The me in the present is a totally different person. Back in those days I had just discovered my freedom as I was away from home due to studies. There was no one to keep an eye on my comings and goings and so I did what most people do when they discover that no one is keeping track of their time. I had sex. Lolz. Now I am not saying that everyone does this. I however did it. I am not proud of it but yes I did learn a few lessons during those times.

I think that the first thing we learn about human intimacy is about kissing. Its a very common thing and we see it when we are children enjoying cartoons. I remember being fascinated by Eric and Ariel kissing in The Little Mermaid. It seemed to be such a magical thing. Two people locking their lips together and just being lost in each others arms. As we grow older, we come face to face with porn. Which makes kissing seem all more real and fascinating. Add into it the hoop-la of the whole first kiss deal created by movies and series. All this makes kissing seem like the best thing in the world. Yet from my experience, I got to know that not many people out there know how to kiss! Lemme tell you about three guys which stood out for me. You know, for your enjoyment ;)

Guy no. 1: This guy is someone who I hold very close to my heart till today. You can say he is the best sex I have ever had. I just wish he knew how to kiss! We kissed quite alot and with tongue. Sounds good right? Well it didnt feel good because he would insert his tongue very deep in my mouth! So deep that at many times I gagged!! And still he never understood.


Guy No. 2: Another one of my experiences to which I look back and smile coz it was a good time. He however didnt know how to kiss as well. He would kiss softly......then open his mouth and do something which felt like he was lickin all my mouth. He wouldnt stay on the lips. He would start going all over and around my lips and I didnt have the heart to tell him because I didnt wanna hurt him. So, every chance that I got, I would quickly wipe off all his saliva on my face from my sleeve. Eeek.

Guy No. 3: Now this guy was the cherry on the cake. He was kind of a good kisser. But one faux pas made it impossible for me to ever kiss him. We were kissing.......and he burped in my mouth!! How disgusting!!! Such a HUGE turnoff!!!

I am not claiming at all that I am a good kisser. I am just sharing my experiences. If you wanna know whether I am a good or bad kisser, you either have to kiss me or ask my exes :P But to all the guys out there, I am asking you very humbly and as a friend. Please learn how to be a good kisser. Watch couples kissing and learn. Because you will be kissing your boyfriend, girlfriend or life partner alot of times. And if it is not good, then it wont be enjoyable.


  1. ahaa..nice topic.. nd yes even i have been reading a lot about kissin lately..well but wats da knowledge if u cant practice...wish u were here :P:D >:D< ...

    well i dont have array of experiences but yes someone has complimented me and yes its a great Ego booster hehehehe..

    And kissin is indeed a very integral part of our love life so we better get it perfected..

    well one thing i have noticed dat in our movies though now-a-days there are kissing scenes but i find most of them not properly done.. i somehow feel that the actors are not comfy being in that position..well i know we dont have kissing classes like they have in Hollywood( i have heard)..

  2. Lol.... Hey i think ill have to check out if you are a good kisser or not.

    I like to Kiss Kiss when the sun goes down, but for you, hamesha

  3. i luv kising too.. but the best thing about KISS is when you share it with the one you truly love. You see, even some whores in an X Rated film does all slutty things but never kiss.. there is one Porno star confirmed this in an interview that her kiss is only for the one he loves.. It might sound ridiculous to others but this maybe the only thing left in herself. I am not saying that kissing is a holy thing.. but kissing with just lust is a really different story when your kissing with PASSION.

  4. @Boi NextDoor.....lolz. imagine u kiss me n then write a blog bout bad kissin. hehehehe. well i agree wid u. bollywood actors dont seem com4tble at all while's to hopin they get better @ it :)

    @Derric.....u had ur chance mister. all talk and no walk! hehehehe ;)

    @Joshua....well honestly speakin all movies dat i have seen include kissin. porn movies i mean. but yes i have heard dat sum ppl dont kiss cz its 2 personal. like u said, its all passion n d best thing when u do it with sm1 u luv.

  5. Wow.. Now this one came as a shock out of the blue to me. You have transformed from a dolly to a fully grown superstar diva in just one post! This makes me feel like kissin' you! lol...

    But, jokes apart I see a very valid point in the idea you expressed. Kissing is a very important part of a relationship, and one should polish his/her skills in practicing this art which promotes intimacy.

    Take care! <3

  6. @*Clink*......Honey, who ever said I am a dolly? ;) I am a diva anyday....atleast my tantrums r like 1 ;) hehehe...u cn kiss me nytym but pls read dis post again to learn d "donts of a kiss" :P cheers

  7. Nahh! Nobody said that..! I myself took you to be a dolly because your posts seemed very sweet to me. And, never worry about me making the same mistakes while kissing you as mentioned in the above post. :-P ;)

  8. @ *Clink* that case we shouldnt waste time and get started with the kissing ;)
